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1 in 7 has experienced mental disorder in their life

mental health issue patient typical human typical human typical human typical human typical human typical human

How many people are affected by mental health issues?

What mental health illness do we see often?

Why are mental health issue caused by?

Possible external factors

  • Stress
  • Physical abuse
  • Substance abuse
  • Certain medication
  • Personal issues
  • Traumatic incident
  • Childhood trauma

Possible biological factors

  • Genetics
  • Certain personality traits
  • Chemical imbalance in the brain
  • Abnormal size of some parts of the brain
  • Brain neurotransmitter dysfunction

Symptoms of common mental health issues

Select relatable symptoms

Persistent sadness, or feeling down or gloomy
Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed
Weight loss
weight gain
Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep; or sleeping excessively
sleeping excessively
Feeling agitated or restless
Feeling tired and lacking the energy
Feelings of worthlessness
Difficulty concentrating or having trouble thinking
Impaired social functioning
A sense of helplessness
Worry, repeated negative thoughts
Muscle tension and weakness
Pounding heart
Difficulty breathing
Gambling often
Lying to hide gambling
more irritable as usual
Feeling of guilt
Recklessly spending money
Euphoria at times
behaviour change, ignoring consequences and social norms
impaired social functioning
Inability to stop drinking
Secret drinking
Feeling guilt after drinking
Alcohol tolerance
excessive drinking pointed out by closed ones
excessive drinking
drinking despite harmful effects
neglecting family, work, or hobbies for alcohol
risky drinking
obsessions, fears
compulsive behaviour
diminished appetite
sleep disorder
mood swings
provoke arguments
decreased need for sleep

Possible diagnosis

Common NameNameProbability

Why is mental health important?

Mental health affects us not only mentally, but physically as well

How is this related to me?

Hover over blue sad human

Mental health illness can happen to anyone

mental health issue patient typical human typical human typical human typical human typical human typical human

This could be
  • your parents
  • your grandparents
  • your siblings
  • your cousins
  • your aunties and uncles
  • your child
  • your spouse
  • your best friend
  • your teachers
  • your students
  • your classmates
  • a stranger you pass by
or even YOU


Stigma and discrimination:
  • is not helping anyone so we should encourage and support instead
  • can worsen mental health problems
  • delay getting help and treatment
  • delay their recovery
  • can trap people in a cycle of illness

Myths about mental health issues

Mental illnesses are not real medical illnesses
like heart disease and diabetes.
People who have them are just crazy.

Mental disorders are medical illnesses just like
heart disease and diabetes.
Research shows there are genetic and biological causes
for mental illness,
and they can be treated effectively,
especially with early detection and intervention.

Stress causes mental illness..

The specific causes of mental illness are not yet fully understood.
Stress and factors such as genetic predisposition and abnormalities
in brain chemicals are possible contributing factors.

People with mental illness are violent and dangerous.

People with mental illness are no more violent than the general population.
In fact, they are far more likely to be the victims of violence
than to be violent themselves.

People with mental illness are poor and/or less intelligent.

Mental illness, like physical illness, can affect anyone
regardless of intelligence, social class or income level.
Famous people with various mental illnesses include
mathematician John Nash, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill,
Ludwig van Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh and Ernest Hemingway.

If I have a mental illness, it is a sign of weakness and it is my fault.

A mental illness is an illness, not a character flaw.
It has nothing to do with being weak or lacking will-power.
Although people with mental illness can play a big part in their own recovery,
they did not choose to become ill.

People with mental illnesses cannot be helped.

The best treatments for serious mental illnesses today are highly effective.
With appropriate medication, psychotherapy and rehabilitation services,
most people who live with serious mental illnesses can significantly
reduce the impact of their illness and find a satisfying measure
of achievement and independence. A key concept is to expertise
in developing strategies to manage the illness process.

Mental illnesses are uncommon.

Four of the 10 leading causes of disability worldwide are mental disorders.
Among developed nations, major depression is the leading cause of disability.
Also near the top of these rankings are
bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Take action

Helping people with mental illness

You are aware that someone close to you may be suffering from a mental illness.
This is how you can lend a helping hand.
  1. Learn about the mental illness and its recovery process
  2. Listen, and be respectful and supportive
  3. Understand the person's perspectives and offer hope
  4. Encourage the person to seek and sustain professional treatment
  5. Do not dismiss the person's emotions or ignore comments about suicide

Road to recovery

Recovery is unique to each individual.
Some common themes of recovery include:
  • Hope
  • Having strong relationships with others
  • Taking control of one's life
  • Accepting responsibility for personal wellness
  • Having meaning and purpose in life
  • Developing coping strategies

Ways to get help

Take the first step by acknowledging that you may have a mental health condition.
This is how you get help and support.

hospital cross

Consult a doctor or mental health professional

There is Mood Disorders Clinic
Addiction Management
Psychogeriatric Clinic and
Early Psychosis Intervention Programme.
You can check out
Institution of Mental Health (IMH)
for more information
two people conversing

Talk to family members and friends

Talk to someone you are close to
like your loved ones and friends.
Tell them how you are feeling and that
you want to improve from
your current situation.
chat on phone

Find support in online forums

Sometimes talking to other people
facing mental health issues as well
can help you find answers.
You can check out this
online forums
Community Health Assessment Team
2 hands making a heart

Join a peer support group

If you are afraid of facing
mental health issues alone,
you can join a peer support group
and interact with people in similar situations
Depression and Bipolar Support Groups
phone icon

Call helplines for mental health

If you want to talk to someone,
here are some hotlines for you.
Samaritans of Singapore (SOS)
Tel: 1800-221 4444 (24 hours)
National Addictions Management Service
Tel: 6-RECOVER (6-7326837) (24 hours)
National Council of Social Service (NCSS)
happy emoji

Self-help by looking after your mental health

One way you can look after your mental
health is to track your emotions

Join Opti-mists Today!

Opti-mists is a community of people facing different mental health issues
coming together to change their lives for the better.
It could be a change of habits, obtaining skill sets, learning how to think more positively.
The skills you learn as an Opti-mist can help promote recovery when facing mental health issues
and we will bring you through the "mist" in your life.
No such thing as "mist"akes, only optimistic.